Services: Accounting Technology

Return on Mission: Is Your Organization Ready to Replace Abila MIP Fund Accounting?

Is it time to transition your organization’s accounting software from Abilia? Navigating today’s dynamic environment with pre-internet technology can be challenging. With increased oversight, compliance demands, and fierce competition for funding, it’s crucial to embrace modern solutions.

4 Steps to Greater Nonprofit Stewardship with Digital Finance Transformation

Are you a nonprofit organization striving for greater stewardship and impact? Discover the key to success in our e-book: “Sage Intacct – 4 Steps to Greater Nonprofit Stewardship with Digital Finance Transformation.” Dive into the world of digital finance and learn how to navigate this transformative journey. Maximize your nonprofit’s potential with Sage Intacct’s cutting-edge…

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Nonprofit Storytelling Using data and performance metrics to motivate donors

Sage Intacct Nonprofit empowers organizations to tell compelling stories through data-driven insights and performance metrics, leveraging these tools to inspire and engage donors effectively. View eBook

Sage Intacct Nonprofit Financial Reporting and Dashboards

Nonprofits need more timely, insightful financial reporting to make data-driven decisions. Sage Intacct provides easy-to create reports, dashboards, and visualizations that are ready in real-time, allowing finance professionals and executives to look forward and plan for programs, fundraising, staffing, and more based on what’s really happening. View Datasheet

How does Sage Intacct compare to Microsoft Business Central?

Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains (GP) has served as a reliable solution for numerous organizations over the years. However, with Microsoft phasing out support for GP in the coming years, it’s crucial to explore your alternatives. In a recent survey conducted by Sage Intacct, 95% of financial executives acknowledged GP’s effectiveness, but a significant 78% expressed an urgent need for replacement. The message is clear: it’s time to make the switch. While Microsoft offers top-tier solutions, there are compelling reasons why Sage Intacct could be the ideal choice.

How CFOs are Navigating an ‘Urgent’ Product Change

Learn how executives across the country recognize the many benefits of upgrading their financial management software, including better collaboration, improved data accuracy, and shorter financial close.

MS Dynamics GP Ebook – Life after Microsoft Dynamics GP

The longer you wait, the bigger the financial impact will be — from continuing current inefficiencies to scrambling at the last minute to choose an alternative. Since the research process can feel overwhelming, we’ve made it a lot easier by providing a roadmap.

i3 Verticals – Case Study (SI)

I3 Verticals significantly improved accounting efficiencies with Sage Intacct features like automated workflows, faster invoicing, and granular financial reporting. Learn how they made dramatic gains like shortening their financial close cycle by 45%. View Case Study

What Do Finance Execs Agree is Imperative to Change About Their Tech Stack

Discover how the majority of finance leaders see that replacing Microsoft Great Plains is extremely urgent, and that the switch would be extremely beneficial to their organizations.

MS Dynamics GP Checklist – Five signs it’s time to move on from your on-premise finance system

Take a look at these five signs to see if your current system is holding you back and learn what to look for in a best-in-class cloud finance system.