April 30 - 3, 2023

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Risk World Conference (RIMS 2023)

GRF is proud to attend and present at the Risk World 2023 Conference. The Conference will include a panel discussion featuring GRF risk experts, Mac Lillard and Amy Wares.

RISKWORLD® is more than a conference — it’s the center of the risk management universe. This is where you swap strategies with people who “get it.” With so much waiting, you can’t afford to miss this incredible opportunity to prepare for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s risks.

Creating a Happy Marriage Between Risk and Strategy

Tuesday, May 2, 9:30 – 10:30 AM EST (Strategic and Enterprise Risk Management Track)

In a time of unprecedented uncertainty and so many risks at stake, how do you ensure focus on the right ones? Learn how manage your enterprise risk management (ERM) and strategic planning functions together to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of both. Study industry-leading practices that highly efficient organizations use to get more value and information from risk management activities that can be leveraged for strategic planning. Assess the importance of communication with the internal audit department to support both ERM and strategy functions. Walk through real world examples of how to either implement or strengthen these functions within your organization.

Learning objectives:

  • Summarize the current risk environment and top forecasted risks.
  • Link the marriage of strategy and ERM to its leverage value for internal audit plan development.
  • Assemble tactics and tools for tightening the integration between strategic planning and ERM.
Mac Lillard, GRF


Senior Manager, Risk & Advisory Services

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Amy Wares, CPA, MBA

Senior Manager, Risk & Advisory Services

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Joseph Pugh

Senior Director, Enterprise Risk Management & Compliance, AARP