Services: Compliance

Advantages and Strategic Considerations for Government Contractors with Commercial Clients

Generated by AI and edited by Paul Calabrese, Principal Government contractors who also serve commercial clients are uniquely positioned to leverage diverse opportunities while navigating complex regulatory environments. This dual engagement offers significant benefits but also requires careful management of compliance and operational strategies. Understanding the dynamics and strategic considerations of this business model provides…

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2024 Update on Retirement Plans: Recent Changes to Form 5500

Navigating the complexities of retirement plan reporting just got easier with the latest updates to Form 5500. These transformative changes promise to streamline processes, enhance data accuracy, and significantly reduce administrative burdens for plan administrators and sponsors. GRF hosted the 2024 Update on Retirement Plans webinar on May 16th, 2024, which delved into significant updates…

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Unlimited PTO: Federally Funded Contractors & Nonprofit Grant Recipients Subject to FAR and Uniform Guidance

Before considering unlimited paid time off (PTO) as an incentive to new or existing employees, it is important to understand the implications. Government contractors subject to FAR and nonprofit grant recipients subject to the Uniform Guidance must understand what this benefit entails, how it can potentially impact existing and future government contracts, and potential challenges…

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Understanding Reasonable Cybersecurity Measures under New Federal Guidelines for Uniform Guidance

Cybersecurity has skyrocketed to the number one slot on many surveys and experts’ risk rankings as noted in GRF’s Top Risk for Nonprofits and Associations report. In response to the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has introduced language in the recently updated Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance aimed…

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