For more than 30 years, GRF has offered government contractors access to industry expertise, specialized knowledge, and relevant resources to guide them through all phases of the business life cycle.
From start-up to eventual sale or transfer, GRF works closely with government contractor clients, including those in the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) business development program, to help them leverage key opportunities and manage emerging challenges. Our team is accessible and ready to help your government contracting business through its next big move.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Understanding and Reporting on Scopes 1, 2, and 3
Proposed government procurement standards would require government contractors to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. “Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions” categorize the different types of emissions generated, encompassing both internal operations and the broader ‘value chain’ which includes suppliers and customers.
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Saluto sagittis ullamcorper et dapibus utrum. Enim virtus tellus modo refero. Iusto verto etiam vehicula jugis. Tation molior jugis eum torquent pecus donec. Imputo duis ultricies semper gravis autem. Cogo platea saepius pagus ea torquent!
– Roddy McBigcheeze, Honcho, Awesome Organization
Partner, Audit and Assurance
Partner, Audit and Assurance
Partner and Director, Tax
Principal, Outsourced Accounting & Advisory Services
Partner and Director, Outsourced Accounting & Advisory Services
Partner and Director, Risk & Advisory Services