Government Contractors

Our CPAs are experts in the complicated regulations and oversight functions governing federal contracts.

GRF Guides Government Contractors with Comprehensive Knowledge and Expertise

For more than 30 years, GRF has offered government contractors access to industry expertise, specialized knowledge, and relevant resources to guide them through all phases of the business life cycle.

From start-up to eventual sale or transfer, GRF works closely with government contractor clients, including those in the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) business development program, to help them leverage key opportunities and manage emerging challenges. Our team is accessible and ready to help your government contracting business through its next big move.

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Challenges for Government Contractors

Challenges for Government Contractors

Where GRF can Help

Challenge Opportunity
Federal contractors must adhere to a myriad of regulations, including the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), and various agency-specific rules. Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit oversight performs a variety of specialized contract audits with Administrative Contracting Officers performing 71 contract oversight duties. Compliance failures can result in hefty fines, contract termination, and damage to a company’s reputation. GRF’s team leverages prior DCAA auditor experience to facilitate liaison and provide interface. Moreover, members of our team have also worked directly for government contractors and understand the regulatory environment and the risk of government audit. We can proactively prepare your company to attain an adequate cost accounting system including the retention of the appropriate supporting documentation when an audit occurs. 

Challenge Opportunity
The federal bidding process is notoriously complex and time-consuming, and it is not easy to prepare a proposal that complies with DCAA audit requirements. Bid and proposal requirements vary based on the contract type, whether it be fixed price, time and material or cost reimbursable. If certified cost or pricing data is required, government contractors must be careful not to be hit with a defective pricing finding. GRF helps clients develop the appropriate cost and pricing data that complies with FAR Subpart 15.4, Table 15-2 format and provides assistance to avoid potential defective pricing on fixed price contracts. Our team has the expertise to help clients with forward pricing such as forecasting labor and indirect cost rates for base and out-years.

Challenge Opportunity
Federal contracts often operate on a reimbursement basis, which can create cash flow issues for contractors. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find it challenging to cover upfront costs, especially when payment terms can stretch up to 90 days or more. GRF helps government contractors develop strong financial management practices that mitigate cash flow challenges. Utilizing invoice factoring, securing lines of credit, and maintaining healthy cash reserves helps manage any financial strain.

Challenge Opportunity
Federal contractors must comply with stringent cybersecurity requirements, such as those outlined in the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). Implementing these measures can be costly, with estimates for achieving CMMC Level 3 ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. Companies that achieve high levels of cybersecurity certification not only comply with federal requirements but also protect themselves against cyber threats. GRF helps clients enhance their reputation and trustworthiness, making them more attractive to clients.

Challenge Opportunity
The federal contracting market is highly competitive, with thousands of firms vying for the same contracts. Small businesses, in particular, face challenges in competing against larger, more established companies. GRF guides small businesses to take advantage of set-aside programs, such as those for women-owned, veteran-owned, and minority-owned businesses. Certified small businesses can gain access to exclusive contract opportunities. Additionally, forming strategic partnerships and joint ventures with other firms can enhance capabilities and competitiveness. Additionally, forming strategic partnerships and joint ventures with other firms can enhance capabilities and competitiveness.

Challenge Opportunity
Federal contractors are subject to the whims of political and economic changes, such as government shutdowns, budget cuts, and policy shifts. These factors can disrupt contract execution and impact long-term planning. GRF helps businesses looking to diversify their client base beyond federal contracts to reduce dependency on government spending and mitigate risks. Our team provides guidance as firms diversify into the commercial sector with accounting processes that integrate with government compliance requirements and employ a single-use G&A with overheads for different business lines. We also keep clients informed about the evolving risk landscape and technology trends to help them anticipate changes and adapt proactively.


Accounting and Assurance

Specialized Industry Consulting

  • Audit support
  • Cost and pricing strategies
  • Federal agency consulting
  • Indirect rate determination
  • Incurred cost submissions
  • NICRA support
  • SBA 8(a) Program Consulting
  • Systems Compliance
  • Forensic and Valuation Services

GHG Emissions - Understanding Scopes 1, 2, and 3FEATURED TOPIC

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Understanding and Reporting on Scopes 1, 2, and 3

Proposed government procurement standards would require government contractors to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. “Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions” categorize the different types of emissions generated, encompassing both internal operations and the broader ‘value chain’ which includes suppliers and customers.

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What our Clients Say

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Saluto sagittis ullamcorper et dapibus utrum. Enim virtus tellus modo refero. Iusto verto etiam vehicula jugis. Tation molior jugis eum torquent pecus donec. Imputo duis ultricies semper gravis autem. Cogo platea saepius pagus ea torquent!

– Roddy McBigcheeze, Honcho, Awesome Organization

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Oct 24
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Meet Our Team

Susanna Chon, CPA, CFE

Partner, Audit and Assurance

James M. Larson, CPA

Partner, Audit and Assurance

GRF Ryan Ham, CPA

Ryan Ham, CPA

Partner and Director, Tax

Paul H. Calabrese

Principal, Outsourced Accounting & Advisory Services

John R. Pace, CPA, CVA

Partner and Director, Outsourced Accounting & Advisory Services

Melissa Musser, CPA, CIA, CITP, CISA

Partner and Director, Risk & Advisory Services