Services: Valuation

Six Steps for Preparing to Sell Your Business

If you’re planning to sell your business, it’s a good idea to “dress” your business for success to help attract the most potential suitors. Here are six steps to M&A success.

Labor Shortage: Unlock Solutions by Evaluating Your Employment Value Proposition

In normal market conditions, people who’ve been unemployed due to an economic slump are generally eager to take a job when the economy perks up. But times are far from normal in many places and industries. One of the most pressing concerns employers face today is labor quality and availability, according to findings from The…

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GRF CPAs & Advisors Makes List of Best Firms for Young Accountants

Following GRF CPAs & Advisor’s (GRF) recognition earlier this year as one of Accounting Today’s 2020 Best Accounting Firms to Work for in the Midsized Firms category, the firm has been honored once again. In their new report, Accounting Today singles out the members of the Best Accounting Firms to Work For that are most…

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Why Is the Valuation Date so Important?

When one considers how the value of an asset will be determined, it’s common to think about which method the appraiser will use or whether discounts may apply. A critical factor that might not immediately come to mind is the appraisal date. This article explains why the “as-of” date matters and how the purpose of…

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More to Business Valuation Than Meets the Eye

Valuing a business requires more than merely dropping numbers into a “black box” and waiting for the answer to be spit out. Using their professional judgment and specialized training, appraisers consider a broad range of internal and external factors before arriving at reliable conclusions of value. Most business owners and attorneys know the basics of the…

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Working Capital: A Potential Valuation Sleeper

Working capital is sometimes overlooked in determining the value of a business. But it can have a material effect on value, so it’s important to remember. A business’s working capital equals the difference between its current assets and current liabilities. When the value of a business is determined under either the income or the market…

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Exit Planning – The Key to a Successful Business Owner Transition

If you own a business, you should be thinking now about its role in the next phase of your life. Astute business owners carefully plan their exit to maximize the value of their business while minimizing their risk. Despite the market tilting heavily in favor of the buyer, exit planning helps business owners stay in…

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One Option to Finance a Business Sale

Structured settlements are commonly associated with the payment of personal injury damages because of their advantageous tax-free treatment, but some business purchases and buyouts can also benefit from structured settlements using annuity payments from an insurance company. While payments from these non-personal injury cases are not tax-exempt, the recipient only owes taxes on the amount…

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Why Have a Business Valued?

Most business owners are reactive when it comes to having their businesses valued. But it sometimes pays to be proactive. Some valuations are necessities, such as for determining the value of the business interest in an estate. Others are obtained for more elective reasons but are helpful to business owners nevertheless. It is a good…

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